Limor Jasinski, a Mindset Coach for Kids and Teens based in Warsaw, founder of Wisdom Kids Academy, on how to transform homework time into a happy routine

As the new school year begins, parents everywhere are gearing up to help their kids transition back into the academic routine. But one challenge that often rears its head during this time is getting children to develop a consistent, enjoyable homework routine. It’s not just about getting the work done—it’s about fostering independence, building confidence, and ensuring learning feels rewarding rather than overwhelming.

I’ve worked with hundreds of families over the past decade as a Confidence and Mindset Coach, helping children thrive both in and out of the classroom. Today, I’m sharing practical, research-backed strategies that can help transform homework time into a positive, even fun, part of your child’s daily routine.

Let’s dive into some real-world solutions that can make a difference for your family.

Understanding the Challenge

Homework can be a source of tension in many homes. Whether it’s resistance from the child, difficulty staying focused, or time management issues, it’s easy for homework to turn into a daily battle. But structured homework routines don’t just improve academic performance—they build essential life skills like time management, problem-solving, and resilience.

One study from Stanford University found that consistent routines and positive reinforcement during homework sessions can significantly boost both academic success and emotional well-being. In my own experience with families, I’ve seen children not only perform better but also become more confident and independent when they have the right structure in place.

Building Positive Routines

Here are six tried-and-true tips to help your child develop a positive and independent homework routine:

  1. Create a Dedicated Workspace
    • Set up a quiet, organized area in your home where your child can focus solely on their homework. This space should be free from distractions, like TV, toys, or loud noises, and equipped with all the necessary supplies such as pencils, paper, and a good light source.
      Tip: Let your child personalize the space to feel ownership and pride!
  2. Establish a Consistent Routine
    • Consistency is key! Set a specific time each day for homework. Whether it’s right after school or after a short break, having a regular schedule will help your child get into the habit of doing their homework without constant reminders.
      Pro Tip: Try a visual timer to give them a sense of control over their time.
  3. Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks
    • Large tasks can feel overwhelming. Help your child break their homework into smaller, more manageable chunks. For example, if they have a project due in a week, break it down into daily goals to avoid last-minute stress.
      Think of it as a puzzle—solving one piece at a time keeps the stress low and spirits high!
  4. Be Available, But Don’t Hover
    • It’s important to be present to answer questions or provide guidance, but resist the urge to hover. Giving them space to work through problems on their own encourages critical thinking and independence.
      Tip: Set an “office hour” when they know you’re available for questions, but not watching over them the whole time.
  5. Celebrate Achievements
    • Don’t forget to celebrate the wins! Whether it’s completing assignments on time or tackling a particularly challenging task, small rewards can be a great motivator. Extra playtime, a favorite snack, or verbal praise reinforces the value of hard work.
      Remember: Celebrating progress, not just perfection, is key!
  6. Plan the Week Together
    • Use a Weekly Planner to sit down with your child every Sunday night and map out the week’s homework tasks. This simple act of planning teaches them essential time management skills and reduces daily stress.
      Ready to get started? Download my free Weekly Planner to help your child stay organized and tackle their homework with confidence.

When to Seek Professional Support

If your child consistently struggles with homework despite your best efforts, it may be time to consider seeking external help. Here are key signs to watch for that indicate additional support might be necessary:

  • Persistent frustration or anxiety when faced with homework.
  • Avoidance or refusal to complete assignments, even after implementing routines.
  • Ongoing difficulty in understanding certain subjects, despite your guidance.
  • Low confidence in their academic abilities, leading to negative self-talk.

If you notice these signs, there are several ways to support your child:

  1. One-on-One Coaching: My coaching program can help your child build self-discipline, time management, and a growth mindset in a supportive, individualized environment
  2. Hiring a Tutor: A tutor can provide specialized help in specific subjects where your child is struggling, offering more focused academic support.
  3. Consulting the Teacher: Reach out to your child’s teacher to discuss their challenges. Teachers can offer valuable insights and suggestions based on their daily observations in the classroom.
  4. Counseling or Educational Assessments: In some cases, a school counselor or educational psychologist can assess if there are underlying issues like learning difficulties that may need additional support.

By identifying the right approach, you’ll help your child overcome their challenges and build the confidence they need to succeed.

About the Author

Limor Jasinski – the founder of Wisdom Kids Academy in Poland, and a fervent advocate for children’s development. A Tel Aviv native, Limor’s journey in nurturing young minds began early in her career when she worked as a caretaker for children, revealing her innate connection with them. This connection sparked a lifelong passion that led her across continents, from the welcoming communities of Canada to the enchanting landscapes of Poland and Warsaw.

Limor holds over a decade of experience in coaching, starting with her certification from TUT Coaching College and followed by advanced training at the Robbins-Madanes Training program in the U.S. She further honed her skills by earning a Practitioner of Excellence certificate from The Strategic Intervention Coaching Institute and becoming a certified Wisdom life coach for kids through Adventures in Wisdom.

At Wisdom Kids Academy, Limor uses the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids™, a part of the Adventures in Wisdom™ Curriculum. This innovative program, which includes 27 specially designed books, has been adopted by life coaches in over 30 countries to develop personal growth and leadership skills in children and teens. Limor’s curriculum focuses on essential life skills like resilience, self-esteem, and overcoming fears through compelling storytelling, enabling kids to confidently face life’s challenges.

Limor takes pride in her role as a coach, inspiring greatness and encouraging each child to dream big and develop a robust mindset for overcoming any obstacle. Under her guidance, children at Wisdom Kids Academy embark on a transformative journey of growth and discovery, unlocking their potential and achieving their goals with confidence and excitement. Connect with Limor:, Instagram, Facebook. Wisdom Kids Academy’s website in English.

Wisdom Kids Academy’s services

Explore our full range of offerings and real-life success stories on our website: Interested in personalized coaching or engaging workshops for schools and parents? We cover various topics of growth mindset, such as Strengthening Self-Confidence and Making Good Decisions. How do you instill values and self-responsibility at home? Visit us to learn more and share your experiences. Together, let’s enrich our parenting skills and empower our children for a brighter future!

Testimonial from a Courageous Young Climber: “I was always scared of heights, like really scared, but Miss Limor changed all that! After just one session with her, where she taught me these four cool steps to manage my fear, I felt like I could do anything. And you know what? I went rock climbing! At first, I was like, ‘Oh no, what if I fall?’ But then I remembered what Miss Limor said, ‘You can do it, you have what it takes, you’re safe, and everything’s going to be okay.’ So, I talked to myself, just like she taught me, and I did it! I climbed higher and higher, and it was amazing! I came back jumping with joy because I overcame my fear of heights. Thank you, Miss Limor, for helping me feel so happy and brave! – A beaming young adventurer”
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