Where are the most beautiful mountains in Poland?

Mountains in Poland are, next to the Baltic Sea and lakes, one of the biggest attractions for tourists who value contact with nature. Mountains in Poland include 3 main mountain ranges: Sudetes (Sudety), Carpathians (Karpaty), and Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Góry Świętokrzyskie) and 28 smaller mountain ranges within them. The highest and the youngest are the Carpathians with the Tatra Mountains, and the oldest and lowest are the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Those who like mountain hiking can choose among various trails in Poland, including trails suitable for families with children, seniors, and all those who love nature.


The Carpathians are the second largest mountain range in Europe, stretching through the territory of eight countries, including Poland. In Poland, the Carpathians are located in as many as 3 voivodships/provinces: Małopolskie, Śląskie, and Podkarpackie Voivodship. The Carpathians in Poland include 6 national parks and 12 mountain ranges and are divided into three main areas:  the Tatra Mountains, the Pieniny Mountains, and the Beskids.

Tatra Mountains – the highest and most visited Polish mountains

The Tatra Mountains (‘Tatry’ in Polish) – the highest mountains in Poland, located in the south of Poland and protected as national parkland – are part of the Carpathian Mountains. The town of Zakopane (location on Google map) is in the heart of the Polish Tatra Mountains, serving as a starting point for hiking trails for amateurs as well as experienced hikers (275 km of marked hiking trails!). The highest peak in Polish Tatras (Rysy) is 2,499 m but the mountains are rich in trails suitable for families with children (including toddlers), seniors, and all those who love nature.

On our website, you will find plenty of tips and information about hiking in the Tatra Mountains:

The Pieniny Mountains – beautiful mountains and unforgettable rafting

The Pieniny Mountains and Pieniny National Park (location on Google map) are one of the most popular tourist regions in Poland (in terms of the number of tourists, they are second only to the Tatra Mountains). The highest peak is the Wysoka mountain (1050 m above sea level) and the most popular peaks include Trzy Korony and Sokolica.

One of the main attractions of the Pieniny Mountains is the Dunajec River. The Dunajec River Gorge (Przełom Dunajca) is considered one of the most beautiful places not only in Poland but in the world. The river flows in a deep, carved rock gorge. On a length of 9 km, it makes seven sharp loops (three of them exceed an angle of 130°, the height of the steep limestone walls is 300-500 meters above the waterline). All this creates perfect conditions for rafting – with a wooden raft run by Pieniny Gorals or a rented inflatable raft or canoe.

Another attraction of the region are two castles. Czorsztyn Castle (magnificent ruins of the castle from the fourteenth century) and Niedzica Castle (Zamek Dunajec) are both located on the shores Czorsztyńskie Lake (Jezioro Czorsztyńskie)The lake is beautifully located between the Pieniny Mountains and Gorce Mountains; it’s an artificial water reservoir on the Dunajec River, created by building a water dam in Niedzica town. Both castles are open to tourists, and small cruise marinas have been built next to them so you can enjoy the views from lake cruises.

The Beskids Mountains – including Bieszczady Mountains, Gorce Mountains, Silesian Beskid, Żywiecki Beskid

The Beskids (Beskidy) are a whole group of mountain ranges of impressive width and length. There are many tourist attractions here, and the landscapes are varied. There are numerous cycling and walking routes and in total, as many as 11 national parks!

The most famous ranges of the Beskids include:

Bieszczady Mountains and Bieszczady National Park (location on Google map) are an interesting option to spend a vacation or weekend in Poland. They are characterized by a wonderful wildlife landscape. The highest peak is Tarcica (1346 m above sea level) located in the Bieszczady National Park. The beautiful Lake Solina (Jezioro Solińskie) is also a great attraction in the region.

Gorce Mountains (located in the Western Beskids) with a unique highest hill – Turbacz Mountain (1314 m above sea level) and Gorce National Park (location on Google map).

Silesian Beskid (Beskid Śląski) where you can climb Barania Góra (1220 m above sea level), in winter you can ski on numerous slopes in this area, with many trails in the Landscape Park of the Silesian Beskids (location on Google map). Beskid Żywiecki with the highest peak of Babia Góra (1725 m above sea level) and Babia Góra National Park (location on Google map), offering many hiking trails and skiing slopes.


The Sudetes Mountains  – the second oldest mountain range in Poland – are located in south-west Poland, in 2 voivodships/provinces: in the Dolnośląskie and Opolskie voivodships. The highest peak is Śnieżka Mountain (1603 m above sea level). The Sudetes in Poland are divided into 15 ranges, the most popular include the Karkonosze and the Stołowe Mountains.

Karkonosze – worth a visit at any time of the year

A characteristic element of the Karkonosze landscape and the Karkonosze National Park (location on Google map) are picturesque rock formations, called little rocks – they have various, often fantastic shapes and are associated with legends. There are waterfalls on many streams, the most famous of which are: Kamieńczyka Waterfall and Szklarki Waterfall. The highest peak of the Sudetes (Śnieżka) is located in the Karkonosze Mountains. The main tourist destinations of this region are the towns of Jelenia Góra, Szklarska Poręba, Karpacz (Karpacz’s website in English covering attractions for families).

Some scenes from the movie “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” were shot in Poland, in the Karkonosze Mountains (in the Kamieńczyka Gorge).

The Stołowe Mountains – considered one of the most captivating mountains in Poland

The Stołowe Mountains (the Table Mountains) and the Stołowe Mountains National Park (location on Google map) are worth visiting due to their unique topography. The mountain massif consists of plates that are arranged horizontally – mountains of this type in Europe are very rare. According to many, they are the most interesting mountains in Poland. The highest peak is Szczeliniec Wielki mountain (919 m above sea level), other attractions include rock labyrinths (the most famous one – Błędne Skały).


The Świętokrzyskie Mountains – the lowest mountains in Poland and one of the oldest mountain range in Europe – are located near the city of Kielce, the capital of the Świętokrzyskie Province (2 hours drive from Kraków and from Warsaw; 3 from Łódź; 2,5 from Katowice; 4,5 from Poznań and from Wrocław;  5+ from Gdańsk). Their highest peak is Mount Łysica (614 m above sea level). The name of the mountains comes from the relics of the Holy Cross (Święty Krzyż -> Świętkorzyskie) kept in the monastery on Mount Łysa Góra.

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