Limor Jasinski, a Mindset Coach for Kids and Teens based in Warsaw, founder of Wisdom Kids Academy, on unlocking your child’s true potential

Have you ever wondered what your child’s true potential might be? It’s a question that haunted me for years, even before I found my calling in life. Let me take you on a journey back to the beginning. I spent over a decade as a life coach, helping adults build confidence and unlock their potential. But there was a void. Despite my achievements, I felt a constant pull in another direction. It was my love for working with children. I decided to delve deeper and stumbled upon a certification in mindset coaching for kids and teens. That discovery not only transformed my career but also my life.

As a parent, I found myself asking these crucial questions about my child:

  • What is my child’s potential?
  • What is my child good at?
  • What does my child like to do?
  • How can I help my child discover their true gifts, talents, and potential?

These are the very few questions that every parent grapples with, and finding the answers can be both daunting and fulfilling. In this article, I’ll provide practical steps, not just theories, to help you recognize and cultivate your child’s unique gifts.

How to Recognize Your Child’s Potential

You want to start by paying close attention to what really excites them. Do they spend hours drawing, building Legos, or playing sports? These interests can be a window into their natural talents.

Encouragement is key in fostering your child’s potential. Consider enrolling them in a range of activities such as music, coding, or whatever sparks their curiosity. This approach enables them to uncover their passions and excel in them.

Conversation with your child about their interests and dreams is also essential. Ask them questions like, “What do you enjoy doing the most?” or “What activities make you lose track of time?” This will give you valuable insight into their world and make them feel heard and understood, strengthening your bond.

Finally, look for patterns. Notice if there are certain activities they consistently engage in or talk about with excitement. These consistent interests can be strong indicators of a potential passion that they might not even know how to identify.

Embracing and Strengthening their Potential

Once you’ve identified your child’s interests and potential, the next step is to nurture and develop these talents.

  1. Provide Resources: Ensure your child has the necessary tools and resources to pursue their interests. This could be art supplies, books, or access to sports facilities.
  2. Find Mentors and Coaches: Connect your child with mentors or coaches who can offer them guidance and support. A good mentor can inspire and help your child reach new heights.
  3. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement boosts confidence and motivation.
  4. Create a Supportive Environment: Promote a growth mindset by praising hard work and determination rather than innate talent. Children who understand that abilities grow with effort take on challenges and persevere. For example, if your child struggles with math, say, “I see how hard you’re working,” instead of, “You’re so smart.” This change helps them realize success comes from hard work, not just natural ability.

Scientific Insight

Research conducted at Harvard University supports the idea that every child carries unique strengths and potential. This study revealed the astounding adaptability of children’s brains, highlighting the key role of these early years in skill and talent cultivation. The findings underscore the profound influence of various experiences during this period, shaping a child’s future accomplishments and excitement1.

 Practical Tips for Parents

  • Family Activity Time: Dedicate time each week for family activities that allow exploration. These could include visiting a museum, hiking, or cooking together. Observe what your child gravitates toward during these activities.
  • Skill-Building Questions: Regularly ask your child questions to better understand their interests and strengths. Examples include:
    • “What’s your favorite subject in school and why?”
    • “If you could do any activity for a whole day, what would it be?”
    • “What do you feel proud of accomplishing?”
  • Journaling: Encourage your child to journal their activities and feelings about them. Reviewing their entries can provide insights into their evolving interests and passions.
  • Strength-Based Activities: Focus on activities that build on your child’s strengths. If they show interest in music, consider enrolling them in music lessons or taking them to concerts.

Conclusion: Encouraging Growth

Finding and nurturing your child’s potential is a continuous journey filled with joyous discoveries. By observing, listening, and providing the right environment, you can help your child unlock their unique gifts. Remember, the goal is not to push but to guide and support. Every child’s path is different, and the journey of discovering their potential can be as rewarding as the destination.

As you embark on this journey with your child, keep the lines of communication open, celebrate their progress, and provide opportunities for growth. Together, you can explore their endless possibilities. I invite you to share your experiences and thoughts with me: What have you discovered about your child’s potential? How have you nurtured their talents? Let’s continue this conversation and support each other in raising confident, capable, and happy children.

1) For more information, visit the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University: Harvard’s Developing Child.

About the Author

Limor Jasinski – the founder of Wisdom Kids Academy in Poland, and a fervent advocate for children’s development. A Tel Aviv native, Limor’s journey in nurturing young minds began early in her career when she worked as a caretaker for children, revealing her innate connection with them. This connection sparked a lifelong passion that led her across continents, from the welcoming communities of Canada to the enchanting landscapes of Poland and Warsaw.

Limor holds over a decade of experience in coaching, starting with her certification from TUT Coaching College and followed by advanced training at the Robbins-Madanes Training program in the U.S. She further honed her skills by earning a Practitioner of Excellence certificate from The Strategic Intervention Coaching Institute and becoming a certified Wisdom life coach for kids through Adventures in Wisdom.

At Wisdom Kids Academy, Limor uses the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids™, a part of the Adventures in Wisdom™ Curriculum. This innovative program, which includes 27 specially designed books, has been adopted by life coaches in over 30 countries to develop personal growth and leadership skills in children and teens. Limor’s curriculum focuses on essential life skills like resilience, self-esteem, and overcoming fears through compelling storytelling, enabling kids to confidently face life’s challenges.

Limor takes pride in her role as a coach, inspiring greatness and encouraging each child to dream big and develop a robust mindset for overcoming any obstacle. Under her guidance, children at Wisdom Kids Academy embark on a transformative journey of growth and discovery, unlocking their potential and achieving their goals with confidence and excitement. Connect with Limor:, Instagram, Facebook. Wisdom Kids Academy’s website in English.

Wisdom Kids Academy’s services

Explore our full range of offerings and real-life success stories on our website: Interested in personalized coaching or engaging workshops for schools and parents? We cover various topics of growth mindset, such as Strengthening Self-Confidence and Making Good Decisions. How do you instill values and self-responsibility at home? Visit us to learn more and share your experiences. Together, let’s enrich our parenting skills and empower our children for a brighter future!

Testimonial from a Courageous Young Climber: “I was always scared of heights, like really scared, but Miss Limor changed all that! After just one session with her, where she taught me these four cool steps to manage my fear, I felt like I could do anything. And you know what? I went rock climbing! At first, I was like, ‘Oh no, what if I fall?’ But then I remembered what Miss Limor said, ‘You can do it, you have what it takes, you’re safe, and everything’s going to be okay.’ So, I talked to myself, just like she taught me, and I did it! I climbed higher and higher, and it was amazing! I came back jumping with joy because I overcame my fear of heights. Thank you, Miss Limor, for helping me feel so happy and brave! – A beaming young adventurer”
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